Solar flares analysis

Implementation of this WP will allow us to identify solar flares in H-alpha and EUV images, and to study their evolution. We will obtain the light curves for the corresponding events in lines with different temperature formation. The behavior of the obtained curves at different temperatures will compared.

Task 2.1 Solar flare analysis in EUV

Identifying the flares, related to other eruptive events selected for analysis, in H-alpha and EUV images. Investigation of flare evolution in different EUV channels using AIA / SDO and STEREO / EUVI observations.

Task 2.2 Study the kinematics of flare ribbons.

Obtaining the EUV light curves for the selected flares. Comparison of the behavior of the curves obtained in different temperature formation lines.

Determination of the ribbon separation velocity in the chromosphere. Evaluation of local magnetic reconnection rate. Comparison of the results with the EP and CME kinematics from the implementation of WP 1.

Task 2.3 Investigation of the X-ray properties of solar flares

Investigation of the evolution of solar flares by GOES and HINODE / XRT data.


Identification of solar flares related to prominence eruptions (from WP1). Obtaining light curves for different wavelengths. Determination of flare loops kinematics in the chromosphere.